Aviation Consult

Aviation Consult is a global re-marketing & acquisition firm specializing in commercial aircraft, passenger as well as cargo. The company's global scope have led to many industry professionals to regard Aviation Consult as a reliable company that at all times meet and exceed the expected , the agreed terms and the results.
Being in the field of the commercial aircraft industry, with a heavy competition, it requires systematic and consistent daily acts. By doing so, we ensure an up to date result also based on:
Experience - Ability - Structure - Teamwork
Aviation Consult is your tool, also when it comes to charter flights, so bring us on board when needed, as our primary goal is to achieve repeated business by means of your success, and please note that our Managing Director has been within the aviation industry since 1961.
Henning Norby, Managing Director and Founder.
Bredgade 12, 4690 Haslev, Denmark / Phn.: +45 5632 6094 /
Mobile Phn.: +45 2024 5332 / Skype: acconsult
E-mail: [email protected] / Web-site: www.aviation-consult.net
Being in the field of the commercial aircraft industry, with a heavy competition, it requires systematic and consistent daily acts. By doing so, we ensure an up to date result also based on:
Experience - Ability - Structure - Teamwork
Aviation Consult is your tool, also when it comes to charter flights, so bring us on board when needed, as our primary goal is to achieve repeated business by means of your success, and please note that our Managing Director has been within the aviation industry since 1961.
Henning Norby, Managing Director and Founder.
Bredgade 12, 4690 Haslev, Denmark / Phn.: +45 5632 6094 /
Mobile Phn.: +45 2024 5332 / Skype: acconsult
E-mail: [email protected] / Web-site: www.aviation-consult.net