ACMI & Charter Flights
When it comes to Charter, there are different types depending on your needs:
Air Taxi is now expanding with the advent of new generation of business jets coming to the market. Air taxi services are targeted more to the business road rather than the established charter market, offering to get you between both international or domestic airports or between non-serviced airports.
ACMI ( Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance & Insurence) !
When surplus aircraft are missing, please do not miss to call me -
Ad-Hoc Air Charter refers to chartering of an entire aircraft by an individual, group, corporation etc. on an ad-hoc basis that have individual itineraries, rather that purchasing individual aircraft seats or more long term aircraft leasing.
Full Charter is the long term chartering of an entire aircraft by i.e. Tour Operators, that require the aircraft on a seasonal basis, but don't have the required infrastructure to operate their own aircraft.
Whenever and wherever you have a requirement for a charter, please call on us !
Phn.: +45 5632 6094 / Mobile: +45 20245332
E-mail: [email protected] / Skype: acconsult
Air Taxi is now expanding with the advent of new generation of business jets coming to the market. Air taxi services are targeted more to the business road rather than the established charter market, offering to get you between both international or domestic airports or between non-serviced airports.
ACMI ( Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance & Insurence) !
When surplus aircraft are missing, please do not miss to call me -
Ad-Hoc Air Charter refers to chartering of an entire aircraft by an individual, group, corporation etc. on an ad-hoc basis that have individual itineraries, rather that purchasing individual aircraft seats or more long term aircraft leasing.
Full Charter is the long term chartering of an entire aircraft by i.e. Tour Operators, that require the aircraft on a seasonal basis, but don't have the required infrastructure to operate their own aircraft.
Whenever and wherever you have a requirement for a charter, please call on us !
Phn.: +45 5632 6094 / Mobile: +45 20245332
E-mail: [email protected] / Skype: acconsult